When a set of descriptors (e.g. TypeSystemDescription}}s) import each other, this can break the import cache in the {{ResourceManager.
Consider the case of two type systems, each defining exactly one type:
- Circular1.xml imports Circular2.xml
- Circular2.xml imports Circular1.xml
Then run the following code:
@Test public void thatCircularImportsDoNotConfuseResourceManagerCache() throws Exception { ResourceManager resMgr = newDefaultResourceManager(); File descriptor = getFile("TypeSystemDescriptionImplTest/Circular1.xml"); TypeSystemDescription ts = xmlParser.parseTypeSystemDescription(new XMLInputSource(descriptor)); ts.resolveImports(resMgr); TypeSystemDescription tsd = (TypeSystemDescription) resMgr.getImportCache().values().iterator() .next(); assertThat(ts.getTypes()).hasSize(2); TypeSystemDescription cachedTsd = (TypeSystemDescription) resMgr.getImportCache().values().iterator() .next(); assertThat(cachedTsd.getTypes()).hasSize(2); }
This code loads the first type system and resolves its imports. The resolved type system Circular1 contains two types at the end - fine.
However, Circular2 is cached in the resource manager - and if we fetch it from there, then we get it back without any imports and only containing a single type. The type it should have imported from Circular1 is not there.