Up to 1.3.0, there was a bug in that AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior updated just the group's direct children. Now it generates the header script quoted below, that iterates over the direct children and then over the children of these, triggering the event for the input grandchildren only. So the situation is even worse. I think that attachChoiceHandlers should descend recursively and search for input elements along all the group descendants, not just one arbitrarily chosen level.
function attachChoiceHandlers(markupid, callbackscript) {
var choiceElementGroup = document.getElementById(markupid);
for( var x = 0; x < choiceElementGroup.childNodes.length; x++ ) {
var choiceElementList = choiceElementGroup.childNodes[x]; for( var y = 0; y < choiceElementList.childNodes.length; y++ ) {
if (choiceElementList.childNodes[y] && choiceElementList.childNodes[y].tagName) {
var tag = choiceElementList.childNodes[y].tagName.toLowerCase();
if (tag == 'input')