A stateless bookmarkable form submission isn't working correctly for submissions after reboot or session expiration. This may be due to the use of MixedParamUrlCodingStrategy:
believe I've tracked down the problem to this code in BookmarkablePageRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy:
// do some extra work for checking whether this is a normal request to a
// bookmarkable page, or a request to a stateless page (in which case a
// wicket:interface parameter should be available
final String interfaceParameter = (String)parameters
if (interfaceParameter != null)
{ WebRequestCodingStrategy.addInterfaceParameters(interfaceParameter, requestParameters); return new BookmarkableListenerInterfaceRequestTarget(pageMapName, (Class)bookmarkablePageClassRef.get(), parameters, requestParameters .getComponentPath(), requestParameters.getInterfaceName(), requestParameters.getVersionNumber()); }The issue is that the 'parameters' will never contain the INTERFACE_PARAMETER_NAME because it would have been removed in WebRequestCodingStrategy:decode:215 which as far as I can tell is always called first (from RequestCycle.step.RESOLVE_TARGET:1233).
The 'requestParameters' should already have the interface parameters, so it isn't clear why the addInterfaceParameters() logic is being called again (it is already called in WebRequestCodingStrategy:decode:200).
I've got a patch forthcoming.