"It would be nice if any component can listen to form's event that signals form components to update their models"
-There are some components that implemented they input logic using the request parameter (default FormComponet behavior). When Wicket bring those components outside the from to his processing, we get some problems: they will not receive the user input on page by request parameter map.
Currently on the user mailing list we can see some case:
If we execute the project sent ed by Flavius, we can see that the request has no parameter to the DropDownChoice component "project", that is on the page and outside the form. The component get his convertInput and updateModel called by the form process. The convertInput call getInputAsArray, that calls:
String[] values = getRequest().getParameters(getInputName());
and get null.
To resolve that problem on wicket trunk, I'm sending a path that remove from the form processing, calls to components outside him(Flavius, maybe you want to apply on your workspace Wicket). But this is only an option. I think Wicket need review the way to process the form:
1- add inputs from outside form components to request
2 - remove outside form components from his processing
3 - any other option