In case of utf-8 url (see example below) created ValueMap in AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy#decodeParameters is incorrect.
Each key-value pair contains not decoded key and decoded value.
Proposed fix - line no 171 in AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy#decodeParameters
parameters.add(pairs[i], value);
shall be
parameters.add(urlDecodePathComponent(pairs[i]), value);
Changes locally tested on 1.4.7 version - no failed test. But I am not sure is AbstractRequestTargetUrlCodingStrategy covered by test cases.
And works correctly on tomcat.
URL in browserБраслеты/Колір_металу/Белый/Вставка/Бриллиант/Розмір/19.5/brand/Enigma/Проба/750/Матеріал/Золото/price/USD-31-60/Колір_вставки/Белый