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  1. WSS4J
  2. WSS-299

UsernameToken Salt Mac/Encryption Flag on Wrong End of Array



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.5.11, 1.6.1
    • 1.5.12, 1.6.2
    • None
    • None


      In UsernameToken Profile key derivation, the flag that indicates the use for the salt is being placed on the wrong end. It should be at index 0 but is being placed at index 15. See org.apache.ws.security.message.token.UsernameToken.generateSalt(boolean).

      The UsernameToken Profile 1.1 spec says

      > "The high order 8 bits of the Salt will have the value of 01 if the key
      > is to be used in a MAC and 02 if the key is to be used for encryption.
      > The remaining 120 low order bits of the Salt should be a random value."

      Java is big endian, which means the high order values come first (i.e. high byte is at index 0 of a byte array). From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness

      > "The usual contrast is whether the most-significant or least-significant
      > byte is ordered first - i.e. at the lowest byte address - within the
      > larger data item. A big-endian machine stores the most-significant byte
      > first (at the lowest address), and a little-endian machine stores the
      > least-significant byte first. In these standard forms, the bytes remain
      > ordered by significance."

      Looking at other UsernameToken Profile implementations turned up this example: http://blogs.oracle.com/SureshMandalapu/entry/passwordderivedkeys_support_in_metro

      which clearly shows the salt flag is at index 0 of the byte array:

      > Absds/FHfgh/swderfa== decodes to 01bb1db3f1477e087fb3075eadf6

      (when printing the byte array in hex starting at index 0).

      And, in my discussion with Colm to confirm this issue, I asked what should be done about salt validation. Here is what he said:

      > Hi Patrick,
      > > Doesn't that mean index 0 of an array should hold the most significant
      > > value?
      > Yes, I think you're right. Could you submit a JIRA and patch?
      > > * check both ends and if only one end is either 1 or 2,
      > > then use that to validate the usage of the derived key
      > > * if both ends contain either a 1 or 2 then skip validation on
      > > the usage of the derived key
      > > * if neither end has a 1 or a 2, then fail validation
      > That sounds reasonable to me. I think it could be extended so that we
      > validate that the correct flag has been set for signature
      > verification, or for decryption, when using a derived key - I don't
      > think the current code does this.
      > Thanks,
      > Colm.




            coheigea Colm O hEigeartaigh
            pryan Patrick Ryan
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