New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Incomplete
I am the leader on a brazilian government project called Atena: an Struts 2, Velocity and EJB 3 extension. We have developed many features that we think could be incorporated into the Struts source, like:
1) Lyfecycle
- @PreAction and @PosAction annotations
- @PreResult and @PosResult annotation
2) Scope
- Action scope
- Conversation scope
@Persistent (to inject (load and save) scoped variable into actions)
3) Configuration
- @Action annotation
- @Result and @Results annotations
- @Interceptor and @Interceptors annotations
4) Interceptor
- TypeGeneric converter interceptor
5) Injection
- @Inject (to generic injection)
- EJB 3 capabilities to run the code inside and outside an EJB container
6) Ajax
- An embedded and speedy ajax solution and capabilities
7) Validation
- A java based (without xml) client and server side validation approach.
8) View
- A java based view designer
- A propotype capabilities
We think a JSP taglibs code based is not a good approach to Struts. It cannot compete against JSF. We have developed a pure java approach using similars Struts taglibs classes, but without JSP.
If it could be intersting, please, write me.
Jonatas Rodrigues