I'd like to be able to turn off the struts tooltip js/css without having to override the whole form-close.ftl file. This would be particularly useful when using the bootstrap plugin since I'm already importing tooltip js/css as part of my bootstrap js/css.
I'd just move the block
<#-- Code that will add javascript needed for tooltips --><#t/> <#if (parameters.hasTooltip?default(false))><#t/> <#lt/><!-- javascript that is needed for tooltips --> <#lt/><script type="text/javascript" src='<@s.url value="/struts/domTT.js" includeParams="none" encode="false" />'></script> <#lt/><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<@s.url value="/struts/domTT.css" includeParams="none" encode="false" />"/> </#if><#t/>
to a file like form-close-tooltips.ftl
And replace it in form-close.ftl with
<#include "/${parameters.templateDir}/${parameters.expandTheme}/form-close-tooltips.ftl" />