Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Version 1.0.3, Version 1.0.4, Version 2 Beta 1
I arrived to it on windows with jdk 1.4.2.
I have a case of bad xml. It is an envelope document that includes another
document. The parser expect the enclosed document to be in CDATA. The problem
is that the second document now include a third document which is also
expected to be a CDATA.
I create document A with an XMLBean. I put it has a text element of document B
after I transformed Document A to a string with xmlText(). I then do the same
with document B by putting it in Document C. Everything works well and
automatically and it creates CDATA everytime it needs to.
XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
Field field = getAssessmentFields().addNewField();
The problem is that on the second escaping the CDATA end ([[>)is escaped to
">". The SAX parser that read all this (Xalan) just can't do it. Also, the
specification says that there should not be any CDATA containing a CDATA.
Here is the modification I made for embeded CDATA. Do you think that would be
worty of beeing included?
here is the entitizeContent method in
Pattern cdataPattern = Pattern.compile("CDATA");
private void entitizeContent ( )
if (_lastEmitCch == 0)
int i = _lastEmitIn;
final int n = _buf.length;
boolean hasOutOfRange = false;
int count = 0;
for ( int cch = _lastEmitCch ; cch > 0 ; cch-- )
if (count == 0 && !hasOutOfRange)
i = _lastEmitIn;
// Heuristic for knowing when to save out stuff as a CDATA.
// Well check if we have a cdata in the buffer.
// If we do, we won't nest another one.
CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(_buf);
boolean hasCDATA = cdataPattern.matcher(charBuffer).find();
if (_lastEmitCch > 32 && count > 5 &&
count * 100 / _lastEmitCch > 1 && !hasCDATA)
boolean lastWasBracket = _buf[ i ] == ']';
i = replace( i, "<![CDATA[" + _buf[ i ] );
boolean secondToLastWasBracket = lastWasBracket;
lastWasBracket = _buf[ i ] == ']';
if (++i == _buf.length)
i = 0;
for ( int cch = _lastEmitCch ; cch > 0 ; cch-- )
{ char ch = _buf[ i ]; if (ch == '>' && secondToLastWasBracket && lastWasBracket) i = replace( i, ">" ); else if (isBadChar( ch )) i = replace( i, "?" ); else i++; secondToLastWasBracket = lastWasBracket; lastWasBracket = ch == ']'; if (i == _buf.length) i = 0; } emit( "]]>" );
for ( int cch = _lastEmitCch ; cch > 0 ; cch-- )