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  1. XMLBeans
  2. XMLBEANS-329

Problems with ADB Client and XMLBeans Service



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Version 2.2
    • None
    • Binding
    • None
    • Windows XP SP2, Axis 2 1.2, Java 1.6


      This JIRA is related with the message from the axis-user mailing list "Issue with ADB and parsing a response message (namespaces)"

      I couldn't reproduce the problem I described in that email but when I fixed that problem I found another one and this is which I'm reporting.

      First, some introduction.

      In my response message there is an array of Stages which have one or more Configurations. Each Configuration has AbstractParameters and PrimitiveParameters (that inherit from Parameter). Also each Parameter may depend on other so the class Parameter has an array of Parameter called dependencies.

      My problem happens only if I have ADB at client side and XMLBeans at service side. Any other combination works perfectly. (I attach the wsdl and client and service for both databindings).

      When my ADB client parses the response message, it enters Stage.Factory.parse method, then it enters, Configuration.Factory.parse method. Next, AbstractParameter.Factory.parse method (because the first parameter is abstract) and later it want to parse the dependencies of this parameter so it enters Parameter.Factory.parse method. Here, there is a PrimitiveParameter with no dependencies on oher parameters so it enters Signal.Factory.parse method for getting signal dependencies. It returns ok

      Finally, the problem comes out when after getting SignalDependencies from this PrimitiveParameter, it gets the Type element which is in the Parameter class and now there is the gain element that is part of PrimitiveParameter and not of his parent. so it throws an exception because it didn't expect it.

      Hope this explanation could be useful but if not, the wsdl could be.

      I refer you to JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-2578

      That JIRA is the same as this one. I reported it as an ADB bug but as you can see there, finally the problem seems to be xmlbeans. You can also find there the files to reproduce the JIRA.


        1. API.wsdl
          5 kB
          Jacob Danner
        2. ClientXmlBeans.java
          7 kB
          Jacob Danner
        3. CodeGenerationUtility.java
          28 kB
          Amila Chinthaka Suriarachchi



            jacobd Jacob Danner
            informaticu007-pfc Jorge Fernández
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            1 Start watching this issue

