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- FLINK-35001
Avoid scientific notation for DOUBLE to STRING - FLINK-32565
Support cast from NUMBER to BYTES - FLINK-32564
Support cast from BYTES to NUMBER - FLINK-26588
Translate the new SQL CAST documentation to Chinese - FLINK-26551
Make the legacy behavior disabled by default - FLINK-26467
Compile RowDataToStringConverter lazily - FLINK-26125
Doc overhaul for the CAST behaviour - FLINK-25930
Remove identity casting from ScalarOperatorGens - FLINK-25928
Refactor timestamp<->number validation messages - FLINK-25567
Casting of Multisets to Multisets - FLINK-25428
Expose complex types CAST to String - FLINK-25341
Improve casting STRUCTURED type to STRING - FLINK-25304
TIMESTAMP/TIMESTAMP_LTZ Pad with trailing zeros for fractional seconds depending on the precision specified - FLINK-25187
Apply padding for BINARY(<precision>) - FLINK-25158
Fix formatting for true, false and null to uppercase - FLINK-25157
Introduce NULL type to string cast rule - FLINK-25156
DISTINCT is not handled correctly by CastRules - FLINK-25111
Introduce config option to keep previous CAST behaviour - FLINK-24847
Decide the overflows behaviour - FLINK-24803
Improve cast ROW to STRING - FLINK-24753
Enforce CHAR/VARCHAR precision when outputing to a Sink - FLINK-24588
Optimisation of chained cast calls can lead to unexpected behaviour - FLINK-24577
Support cast from BINARY/VARBINARY/BYTES to of RAW(<clazz>) - FLINK-24576
Drop support for casting decimal numerics to boolean for SQL - FLINK-24454
Consolidate all CAST related test into the new CastFunctionITCase class - FLINK-24446
Casting from STRING to TIMESTAMP_LTZ looses fractional seconds - FLINK-24428
Fix casting between interval types - FLINK-24426
Add support for cast from a string to an INTERVAL - FLINK-24425
Add support for casting from a single type to the corresponding array - FLINK-24424
Cast from TIME to TIMESTAMP currently uses Epoch Date - FLINK-24422
When creating a TIMESTAMP_LTZ only allow Instant - FLINK-24421
Casting from a string to a DATE and TIME allows incomplete strings - FLINK-24420
Casting to a "narrower" type doesn't throw exception but follows Java overflow - FLINK-24419
Casting to a bounded BINARY/VARBINARY doesn't trim to the specified precision - FLINK-24418
Support cast of RAW() to BINARY/VARBINARY/BYTES - FLINK-24416
Casting a TIMESTAMP_LTZ to STRING doesn't include timezone id - FLINK-24415
Casting a STRING to a TIME() results in loss of fractional seconds - FLINK-24414
Casting a decimal to a String doesn't do left zero padding - FLINK-24413
Casting to a CHAR() and VARCHAR() doesn't trim the string to the specified precision - FLINK-24394
Refactor scalar function testing infrastructure to allow testing multiple columns - FLINK-24393
Add tests for all currently supported cast combinations - FLINK-24385
Add TRY_CAST function to be able to handle errors - FLINK-23271
RuntimeException: while resolving method 'booleanValue' in class class java.math.BigDecimal - FLINK-21566
Improve error message for "Unsupported casting" - FLINK-21200
User defined functions refuse to accept multi-set arguments without type hints - FLINK-17321
Support for casting collection types.
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