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- HDDS-7977
Use different types for healthy and unhealthy RatisReplicaCount classes - HDDS-7786
EC: Support partial reconstruction of a container if there are insufficient nodes - HDDS-7530
EC: Add GRPC metrics for ECXceiverClientGrpc - HDDS-7491
EC: [DOC] Update the EC documentation about FileChecksum - HDDS-7212
EC: Parallelize the block reconstructions in coordination node to speedup the reconstruction. - HDDS-7195
EC: Additional checksum validations to make sure data integrity to avoid reconstruction time corruptions. - HDDS-7049
EC: Recon UI to expose the options for setting ECRepConfig on bucket. - HDDS-7031
EC: Update the EC documentation about FS clients. - HDDS-6939
EC: Investigate use of container token from SCMCommand - HDDS-6578
EC: Add EC forward compat tests - HDDS-5998
EC: Enhance EC replication config parsing from string and enable validation of it - HDDS-5365
EC: Adopt the native EC part of libhdfs in a libozone and use that one.
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