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- SAMZA-1337
LocalApplicationRunner needs to support StreamTask - SAMZA-1336
session expiration propagation - SAMZA-1333
ERror Testing. If all processor die, LAR should shutdown. - SAMZA-1332
HappyPathTesting. Verify JM generated only once for multiple added SP - SAMZA-1313
renam StandaloneJobCoordinator to PassthroughJobCoordinator - SAMZA-1311
HappyPath Testing. Using local storage. - SAMZA-1310
If LocalAppRunner is used - use ZkJobCoordinator by default. - SAMZA-1309
add a config for de-bounce time. - SAMZA-1308
Failure Testing. A processor dies while waiting for a barrier to complete. - SAMZA-1306
Error Testing. Failing processor. - SAMZA-1305
Error Testing. ZkUnavailable. - SAMZA-1299
update samza configs with StandAlone tutorial link, when it is available. - SAMZA-1298
if ZkConnect string contains extra path, it needs to be created on the ZK. - SAMZA-1296
Stand alone integration tests. - SAMZA-1291
add new StandAlone configs to the configuration doc - SAMZA-1286
ZkController should close zk connection on stop() - SAMZA-1284
HappyPath Testing. Rolling Upgrades. - SAMZA-1258
HappyPathTesting. Single and multiple processors happy path. - SAMZA-1210
Fix ZK path issues + container IDs generation. - SAMZA-1197
Locality should be used in standalone execution (host-affinity) - SAMZA-1165
ZK cleanup - SAMZA-1162
Review tryBecomeLeader implementation to see if it can be simplified. - SAMZA-1153
Metrics should be added for ZK based JobCoordinator - SAMZA-1152
List integration tests needed for the StandAlone project - SAMZA-1151
create ZkCoordination service - SAMZA-1134
simplify ZK barrier for version upgrade. - SAMZA-1127
verify that SamzaContainerController.stop shuts down the container completely. - SAMZA-1126
Semantics of ProcessorId in Samza - SAMZA-1124
add a time out for ZkVersionUpgradeBarrier - SAMZA-1115
create ZK based JobCoordinator - SAMZA-1113
Implement startup and shutdown sequence of jobs in ZK environment - SAMZA-1107
add utils for publishing job model and job model version. - SAMZA-1106
Create test utils for Zk based Standalone testing - SAMZA-1103
Barrier for job model update - SAMZA-1102
ZkController for communication with the ZK - SAMZA-1087
Implement debounce scheduler - SAMZA-1086
Implement Simple grouper by container, with support for arbitrary container ids - SAMZA-1082
Implement Leader Election using ZK
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