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- SPARK-5148
Make usersOut/productsOut storagelevel in ALS configurable - SPARK-4881
Use SparkConf#getBoolean instead of get().toBoolean - SPARK-5667
Remove version from spark-ec2 example. - SPARK-5282
RowMatrix easily gets int overflow in the memory size warning - SPARK-5270
Provide isEmpty() function in RDD API - SPARK-5234
examples for ml don't have sparkContext.stop - SPARK-5951
Remove unreachable driver memory properties in yarn client mode (YarnClientSchedulerBackend) - SPARK-5717
add sc.stop to LDA examples - SPARK-5609
PythonMLlibAPI trainGaussianMixture seed should use Java type - SPARK-5255
Use python doc "note" for experimental tags in tree.py - SPARK-6658
Incorrect DataFrame Documentation Type References - SPARK-4569
Rename "externalSorting" in Aggregator - SPARK-4733
Add missing prameter comments in ShuffleDependency - SPARK-5384
Vectors.sqdist return inconsistent result for sparse/dense vectors when the vectors have different lengths - SPARK-5382
Scripts do not use SPARK_CONF_DIR where they should - SPARK-5122
Remove Shark from spark-ec2 - SPARK-5125
Time major blocks of code in spark-ec2/setup.sh - SPARK-5263
`create table` DDL need to check if table exists first - SPARK-5660
Local Matrix apply should be public - SPARK-5504
ScalaReflection.convertToCatalyst should support nested arrays - SPARK-4494
IDFModel.transform() add support for single vector - SPARK-4891
Add exponential, log normal, and gamma distributions to data generator to PySpark's MLlib - SPARK-4889
HistoryServer documentation refers to non-existent spark-history-server.sh script - SPARK-4855
Python tests for hypothesis testing - SPARK-4793
way to find assembly jar is too strict - SPARK-4714
BlockManager should check whether blocks have already been removed Checking block is null or not after having gotten info.lock in remove block method - SPARK-4742
The name of Parquet File generated by AppendingParquetOutputFormat should be zero padded - SPARK-4547
OOM when making bins in BinaryClassificationMetrics - SPARK-4846
When the vocabulary size is large, Word2Vec may yield "OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit" - SPARK-4639
Pass maxIterations in as a parameter in Analyzer - SPARK-4791
Create SchemaRDD from case classes with multiple constructors - SPARK-4822
Use sphinx tags for Python doc annotations - SPARK-4406
SVD should check for k < 1 - SPARK-18306
CLONE - Support model save/load in Python's ALS. - SPARK-6007
Add numRows param in DataFrame.show - SPARK-5958
Update block matrix user guide - SPARK-5974
Add save/load to examples in ML guide - SPARK-5805
Fix the type error in the final example given in MLlib - Clustering documentation - SPARK-5732
Add an option to print the spark version in spark script - SPARK-5613
YarnClientSchedulerBackend fails to get application report when yarn restarts - SPARK-5461
Graph should have isCheckpointed, getCheckpointFiles methods - SPARK-5406
LocalLAPACK mode in RowMatrix.computeSVD should have much smaller upper bound - SPARK-5088
Use spark-class for running executors directly on mesos - SPARK-6083
Make Python API example consistent in NaiveBayes - SPARK-6018
NoSuchMethodError in Spark app is swallowed by YARN AM - SPARK-5892
Clean up ML, MLlib docs for 1.3 release - SPARK-5512
Run the PIC algorithm with degree vector - SPARK-5011
Replace Vector.toBreeze.activeIterator with foreachActive - SPARK-6053
Support model save/load in Python's ALS.
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