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- JCS-165
BlockDiskCache partial remove / group remove doesn't work - JCS-164
I want to know the process to setup remote cache so that one application puts the message in cache other application gets the message using remote cache - JCS-163
false error message when reusing a cache directory - JCS-162
memory region properties documentation incorrect - JCS-161
dynamic regions leak memory upon dispose due to ShrinkerTask - JCS-160
Not possible to deploy Java Caching System on WebSphere - JCS-159
BlockDiskCache overwrites data after loading from disk - JCS-158
NullPointerException in IndexedDiskCache.addToRecycleBin(...) - JCS-157
RemoteCacheFactory ignores host and port configuration on client - JCS-156
BlockDiskCache is limited to 2GB. - JCS-155
blacklist org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.,org.apache.commons.collections.functors.,org.apache.xalan in our custom ObjectInputStream - JCS-154
CacheAccess.clear() does not clear indexed disk cache - JCS-153
Size based BlockDiskCache data corruption - JCS-152
hard to override jcache.ccf - JCS-151
defaults CacheKeyGenerator not respected for default case - JCS-150
CompositeCacheAttributes cannot be cast to ICompositeCacheAttributes - JCS-149
When reading keys from disk, a StreamCorruptedException happen when custom serialzer applied. - JCS-148
Unnecessary use of FileChannel.force() in Indexed and Block Disk Caches - JCS-147
Provide file size limitation for Block Disk Cache and Indexed Disk Cache - JCS-146
IndexedDiskCache: Mismatched memory and disk length (0) for [DED: pos = 63802 len = 9658] during optimization - JCS-145
AbstractDiskCacheAttributes logs error, when directory already exists - JCS-144
BlockDiskCache hangs on SEVERE: Region [TMS] Failure getting from disk--IOException - JCS-143
JCS 2.0 beta 1 throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException while redeploying - JCS-142
CDI extension doesn't work if not scanned - JCS-141
RemoteCacheServerFactory ignores configuration - JCS-140
JCacheFilter code logic error - JCS-139
PropertySetter doesn't set Enum properly - JCS-135
Remote JCS Implemented - JCS-130
Simplify management of auxiliary caches - JCS-125
Make a jar with the 2.0 code available for download - JCS-124
Make the code in Step 5 on the JCS overview page a full working class that can compile - JCS-116
CompositeCacheManager is thread-hostile - JCS-100
JCS never going out of the dispose methode - JCS-96
org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.remote.server.RemoteCacheServerUnitTest#testAddListener_ToAll depends on other test - JCS-93
RMI Remote cache update events not getting propagated to JCS clients on Solaris. - JCS-83
Recovery Element from Lateral Auxiliary Cache when stop/start tomcat occurs - JCS-78
RemoteCacheStartupServlet can't start with config outside classpath - JCS-54
soft reference memory cache - JCS-48
JDBC Disk Auxiliary Cache Configuration -> support JNDI datasource in Appservers - JCS-45
Partial Key removal misses purgatory - JCS-16
The jcs.default.cacheattributes.MaxObjects does not work as expected.
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