Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Release Note Needed, Repro attached
Deviation from standard, Security
UPDATE statements confuse SELECT and UPDATE privileges. Consider the following SET clause:
SET updateColumn = selectColumn
According to part 2 of the 2011 edition of the SQL Standard, that SET clause requires the following privileges:
1) UPDATE privilege on updateColumn. Privileges for the left side of a SET clause are described by section 14.14 (update statement: searched), access rule 1b.
2) SELECT privilege on selectColumn. Privileges for the right side of a SET clause are described by section 14.15 (set clause list) and the various productions underneath value expression. In this case, we have a column reference, whose privileges are governed by section 6.7 (column reference), access rule 2.
However, Derby requires the following:
1') UPDATE privilege on both updateColumn and selectColumn
When we address this bug, we should make corresponding changes to the MERGE statement.
The following script shows the current behavior:
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;user=test_dbo;create=true';
call syscs_util.syscs_create_user( 'TEST_DBO', 'test_dbopassword' );
call syscs_util.syscs_create_user( 'RUTH', 'ruthpassword' );
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;shutdown=true';
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;user=test_dbo;password=test_dbopassword' as dbo;
create table t1_025
a int primary key,
updateColumn int,
selectColumn int,
privateColumn int
grant update ( updateColumn ) on t1_025 to ruth;
grant select ( selectColumn ) on t1_025 to ruth;
insert into t1_025 values ( 1, 100, 1000, 10000 );
connect 'jdbc:derby:memory:db;user=ruth;password=ruthpassword' as ruth;
– correctly succeeds because ruth has UPDATE privilege on updateColumn
update test_dbo.t1_025 set updateColumn = 17;
– the error message incorrectly states that the missing privilege
– is UPDATE privilege on privateColumn
update test_dbo.t1_025 set updateColumn = privateColumn;
– incorrectly fails.
– ruth does have UPDATE privilege on updateColumn
– and SELECT privilege on selectColumn, which should be good enough.
– however, the error message incorrectly states that the missing privilege
– is UPDATE privilege on selectColumn.
update test_dbo.t1_025 set updateColumn = selectColumn;
– incorrectly succeeds even though ruth does not have SELECT privilege on updateColumn
update test_dbo.t1_025 set updateColumn = 2 * updateColumn;
set connection dbo;
select * from t1_025 order by a;
Issue Links
- is related to
DERBY-6431 Update Developer's Guide topic to include generated columns
- Closed
DERBY-6436 Overbroad privileges required when selecting from a view.
- Open
DERBY-6439 Privileges not checked before scalar subquery is materialized
- Open
DERBY-6432 INSERT/UPDATE incorrectly require user to have privilege to execute CHECK constraints on the target table.
- Closed
DERBY-6433 INSERT/UPDATE incorrectly require user to have privilege to run generation expressions.
- Closed
DERBY-6434 Incorrect privileges may be required for INSERT and DELETE statements.
- Closed
DERBY-6446 Test ordering problem in GrantRevokeDDLTest
- Closed
- relates to
DERBY-6414 Incorrect handling when using an UPDATE to SET an identity column to DEFAULT
- Closed
DERBY-3155 Support for SQL:2003 MERGE statement
- Closed