This patch include a new feature called "Field collapsing".
"Used in order to collapse a group of results with similar value for a given field to a single entry in the result set. Site collapsing is a special case of this, where all results for a given web site is collapsed into one or two entries in the result set, typically with an associated "more documents from this site" link. See also Duplicate detection."
The implementation add 3 new query parameters (SolrParams):
"collapse.field" to choose the field used to group results
"collapse.type" normal (default value) or adjacent
"collapse.max" to select how many continuous results are allowed before collapsing
TODO (in progress):
- More documentation (on source code)
- Test cases
Two patches:
- "field_collapsing.patch" for current development version
- "field_collapsing_1.1.0.patch" for Solr-1.1.0
P.S.: Feedback and misspelling correction are welcome
Issue Links
- depends upon
SOLR-2246 Need group.facet.after = true to get facet counts after group by
- Closed
SOLR-281 Search Components (plugins)
- Closed
- is related to
SOLR-1682 Implement CollapseComponent
- Closed
SOLR-1773 Field Collapsing (lightweight version)
- Resolved
SOLR-2242 Get distinct count of names for a facet field
- Resolved
SOLR-237 Field collapsing
- Closed
SOLR-1311 pseudo-field-collapsing
- Closed
LUCENE-1421 Ability to group search results by field
- Closed